
ChatGPT for Customer Service – Disclaimer


Welcome to the “ChatGPT for Customer Service” website. This disclaimer outlines the terms and conditions governing your use of our website and the ChatGPT service provided. By accessing and using our website and ChatGPT, you acknowledge and agree to this disclaimer in its entirety.

Understanding ChatGPT Service

  1. AI-Based Interaction: ChatGPT is an advanced artificial intelligence program, developed by OpenAI, designed to simulate conversational interactions. It is important to recognize that ChatGPT’s responses are generated by algorithms and machine learning models.
  2. Automated Responses: The service provided by ChatGPT does not involve real-time human intervention. The responses are automatically generated based on the program’s training and algorithms.
  3. Training Data and Limitations: ChatGPT’s knowledge base is derived from a wide array of internet text sources. While it aims to provide helpful and accurate information, it may not always reflect the most up-to-date research or industry-specific best practices.

Accuracy and Reliability of Information

  1. No Guarantee of Accuracy: Information provided by ChatGPT is offered without any guarantees or warranties regarding its accuracy, completeness, or applicability. It should not be solely relied upon for critical decisions.
  2. Not a Replacement for Professional Advice: ChatGPT’s responses are not a substitute for the advice or services of trained professionals. Users should always seek expert advice for specific, individual situations.
  3. Possibility of Errors: Given the nature of AI and machine learning, ChatGPT may occasionally provide information that is incorrect, misleading, or not up-to-date. We accept no responsibility for such inaccuracies or the consequences thereof.

User Responsibility and Risk

  1. User Discretion Advised: Users should exercise their own judgment when interacting with ChatGPT. Decisions or actions based on the information provided by ChatGPT are the sole responsibility of the user.
  2. Limitation of Liability: Under no circumstances will we be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of ChatGPT or the reliance on any information it provides.

Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Content Ownership: Responses generated by ChatGPT are the intellectual property of OpenAI. Users should respect these rights and not claim ownership of the content generated during their interactions.
  2. Content Usage Restrictions: Any use of content generated by ChatGPT should comply with OpenAI’s policies, copyright laws, and intellectual property rights.

Privacy and Data Handling

  1. Data Collection Practices: Our website may collect data from your interactions with ChatGPT to enhance the service and user experience. This includes, but is not limited to, chat logs and user feedback.
  2. Confidentiality and Privacy: Users are advised against sharing personal, confidential, or sensitive information in their interactions with ChatGPT. We cannot guarantee the confidentiality of information shared with the AI.
  3. Use of Collected Data: Data collected may be analyzed for service improvement and other purposes as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

Service Modifications

  1. Changes to ChatGPT: The ChatGPT service is subject to continuous development and improvement. We reserve the right to modify, update, or discontinue the service at our discretion, without prior notice.
  2. Impact of Service Changes: Modifications to ChatGPT may affect its performance and the nature of interactions. We are not responsible for any changes in the service’s functionality or availability.
  1. External Websites: Our website may include links to external websites for additional information or resources. We do not control these external sites and are not responsible for their content.
  2. No Endorsement Implied: The presence of external links does not imply our endorsement of these sites, their content, or their operators.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This disclaimer is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where our company is registered. Any disputes related to this disclaimer will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of these courts.

Acceptance and Queries

By using the ChatGPT service on our website, you acknowledge your acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree, please refrain from using the service. For any queries or concerns regarding this disclaimer, please reach out to us through our website’s contact information.
